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Could AI Surpass The “Expert Skill” Level?

Many might say, “This is how Skynet starts.” However, the warning from CEO Sam Alton and the developers of OpenAI and ChatGPT isn’t all that eminent. OpenAI officials claim, “Superintelligence will be more powerful than any other technology humanity has grappled with in the past.” As a result, Elon Musk and other reputable tech developers have called for a “pause” on development.

U.S. Airforce Denies AI Drone Killed Operator

Drone in field

Amid the AI warnings from tech gurus globally, the United States Airforce gets caught up in the kerfuffle. While they deny the claims that a drone “killed” its operator during an AI simulation, others aren’t denying the event.

According to The Guardian, “An official said last month that in a virtual test staged by the US military, an air force drone controlled by AI had used “highly unexpected strategies to achieve its goal.” Col Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton described a simulated test in which a drone powered by artificial intelligence was advised to destroy an enemy’s air defense systems and ultimately attacked anyone who interfered with that order. Then, the system started realizing that while they did identify the threat, at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat,” said Hamilton, the chief of AI test and operations with the US air force, during the Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in London in May.”

There Might Be a 10-20% Chance of Doom for Humanity

Just a few days ago, Sam Alton warned that the technology does pose a risk of extinction, such as nuclear war and more pandemics. According to Forbes, “One former key researcher at OpenAI says that such a future is a distinct possibility, but also warns there is a non-zero chance that human- or superhuman-level A.I. could take control of humanity and even annihilate it.” The research went on to warn that there might be a 10-20% chance that AI will wipe out humanity just like it does in the film Terminator. But is it genuinely possible?

The Current Status of AI


Sam Alton’s warning claims this could come true–in 10 years. Right now, the artificial intelligence powering bots is fueled by humans. Yes, there are simulations. But even with the continued development of AI, those simulations are just that–simulations. Hopefully, the humans behind the development of AI will continue to facilitate its growth and cancel any ideas that Skynet is possible off the big screen.

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